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Secrets In Salami

A 'how to' guide on successfully producing simple and tasty handmade salami which uses fresh ingredients with no nitrate preservatives.
Sara Grazia Secrets In Salami Book
Price: $ 38.99

Produce your own Salami, simple and tasty, using natural and fresh ingredients. Gluten free, preservative free, all natural with no use of nitrates or nitrites. Learn traditional artisan methods that have been practiced and mastered over generations. Secrets In Salami by Sara Grazia is an instructive 'how to' guide on successfully producing handmade salami wherever you are, home or work. It's a hands-on journey full of tradition, flavour, succulence and memories. Whether you're a seasoned salami maker, or a first time producer, there will be secrets to learn, techniques to develop and methods to master. You will also discover the particulars required for your drying environment, which is essential for salami making success. This instructional guide is the second instalment in our ‘Made Simple Series’, with over 130 pages of salami making secrets, we've also included some tasty and traditional recipes for you to try.


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