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Fowlers Vocola Natural Preserving Kit

The Simple Natural Preserving Boiler holds 5 x No.31 bottles or 8 x No.20 bottles for processing at once. Takes 1hr to process preserves.
Fowlers Vacola Natural Preserving Kit
Price: $ 225.95
GST Advice:
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It takes only 1 hr to preserve summer’s fresh fruits. Simply place fruit into preserving jar, top with the liquid of your choice (fruit juice, water, sugar syrup, liqueur), and seal with ring, lid and clip. Place bottles into unit which is filled with cold water and plug in.

The Simple, Natural Preserver is fully automatic, there is no need to monitor the temperature. After 1 hr, remove the bottles from the Preserver and allow to cool.  A vacuum seal will form and the fruit is preserved and may be stored on the shelf for future use – without needing refrigeration. A great way to save money and live a more organic lifestyle.

The Simple Natural holds 5 x No.31 bottles or 8 x No.20 bottles for processing at once

Kit comprises of:

Electric Preserving Unit
3 x No. 20 Bottles (600mL) complete with ring, lid (standard)& clip
49 page The Secrets of Preserving Book
12 month Warranty


Extra No20 bottle kits are available from Brewing Supplies Online in boxes of six.


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